How to Track Your Website Progress Part 2 – Apr 2011 Newsletter

Following on from last month with how to track your website progress, this month I cover using Google Analytics which is much more powerful than the inbuilt Awstats. Once again this is vital for you to know since you can’t improve what you can’t measure.

Netrospect April 2011 Newsletter

{click that link and the newsletter will open in a new window}

PS Make sure to leave me a comment at the bottom of the blog post and let me know your thoughts.

PPS If you have something you want me to cover in a future newsletter please ask.

How Do You Track Your Website Progress? – Mar 2011 Newsletter

This month I cover how to track your website progress. This is vital for you to know since you can’t improve what you can’t measure.

Netrospect March 2011 Newsletter

{click that link and the newsletter will open in a new window}

PS Make sure to leave me a comment at the bottom of the blog post and let me know your thoughts.

PPS If you have something you want me to cover in a future newsletter please ask.

Are You Building An Email List? – Feb 2011 Newsletter

This month I cover ways to build an email list. This is the number one tip that can bring you so much more money for your business. Of course there are many ways to setup an email list. If you are interested to setup an email list that hits a home run first time, contact us for guidance and advice.

Netrospect February 2011 Newsletter

{click that link and the newsletter will open in a new window}

PS Make sure to leave me a comment at the bottom of the blog post and let me know your thoughts.

PPS If you have something you want me to cover in a future newsletter please ask.

PPPS I’ll keep threating to start a new section called “Ask Aaron”, but keep running out of room to put it in. You can ask me anything you like about online business and I’ll answer it. I’ll give 1 month free web hosting if I choose your question to go into the newsletter. Just comment below with your questions.

Is Your Website Mobile Ready? – Jan 2011 Newsletter

This month I talk about creating a mobile website, and the importance of meeting visitors where they are. If they are on a mobile phone then give them a fast customised version of your website. Makes sense doesn’t it. This is nothing new, but it’s importance these days compared to years ago is critical you take action on it. If you are serious about your business being online, then you need a mobile friendly site. Period.

Netrospect January 2011 Newsletter

{click that link and the newsletter will open in a new window}

PS Make sure to leave me a comment at the bottom of the blog post and let me know your thoughts.

PPS If you have something you want me to cover in a future newsletter please ask.

PPPS I’ll keep threating to start a new section called “Ask Aaron”, but keep running out of room to put it in. You can ask me anything you like about online business and I’ll answer it. I’ll give 1 month free web hosting if I choose your question to go into the newsletter. Just comment below with your questions.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010

Thank you for all the continued support from our wonderful clients through 2010. With lots of referrals accounting for 80% of our new business, it’s always a joy to welcome a new client that has been referred from current members.

This is why I have included screen shots in the video of the websites of the businesses that have supported Netrospect with referrals this year.

I didn’t have time to get screen shots of every website that we look after. But that might be something for next year. Maybe a montage or something like that.

We have a nice little community of businesses across Australia that will continue to grow in 2011.

Lots of good things planned for 2011. I’m excited already.

Best wishes for your holiday season, and take care.

Talk soon

Aaron and the rest of the Netrospect team.

PS Thank you to my daughter Bianca for helping me record such a wonderful song to use in the video above.