Let’s Not Go Phishing and a $25,000 gift? – January ‘08 Newsletter

Happy new year, and to help you off to a good start I’ve included a special
new years gift for you in your printed and mailed out newsletter which you
should have received yesterday or today depending on where in Australia you

What’s this about $25,000, well the gift is an Instant Scratch It ticket –
so make sure you open your mail and get lucky. Let me know if you win.

This month I talk about online phishing (identity theft) and how to avoid

January ‘08 Newsletter


Is your homepage wordy enough? – December ’07 Newsletter

Well it’s Christmas time and what a very full year it’s been. I do thoroughly enjoy being able to look after your businesses web hosting and emails for you. It’s a priveldge and I value your trust to be able to do so.

I look forward to growing our business relationship even further in 2008.

Members of Netrospect will have received their monthly printed newsletter in the mail at the start of the month.

For those that ignore their mail or are not members then here is the online version

December ’07 Newsletter

Since I’m into doing things differently than anybody else (not just in this industry) I will be sending each of my valued members a new years gift in the mail so look out for it with January’s newsletter. UPDATE your address details if they have changed you won’t want to miss this.

We all get Christmas cards (yawn), but how about a new years gift instead to start the year off right. Now that’s what I’m talking about!


Netrospect our new business name has finally launched!

Hi all

Now don’t be freaked out by our name change, everything else remains the same.

Finally after about 6 months of wanting to trade with a new name, we finally made the switch over.

Web Smart Central Pty Ltd, is now the parent company of Netrospect – nothing else has changed, just the name.  So the only place you will see Web Smart Central will be somewhere on your invoices in small print.

Netrospect Australian Web Hosting

Netrospect – which is a play on words between the internet and retrospect

I’m sure you’re the same, but I know I always find myself saying, if only I knew what I know now, back then… 🙂

And hearing people say “In retrospect we should always have hosted our website and emails with you guys”

There are still some minor name changes to the stationary to go, but it’s business as usual.


What Keywords Are You Targeting For Your Website – November ’07 Newsletter

I can’t believe it’s November already.

This newsletter will give you access to a free keyword utility that will help you find and pick those very important few keywords that you should center your website around.

Getting a good ranking in the search engines is a nice bonus, and most of the time all you have to do is to target the right keywords.

November ’07 Newsletter


Clientexec Snapin to Move Packages

I’ve just created a Clientexec Snapin to enable moving a package between users in Clientexec without needing to go into phpMyAdmin and move data around in tables.

It is a direct solution to this feature request – http://wush.net/bugzilla/newedge/show_bug.cgi?id=776

You need this Clientexec snapin if

1) want to consolidate multiple users into one, that are actually the same person that signed on using different email addresses (creating multiple accounts for themselves – how annoying)

2) have regular tech savvy users that signup for other people and you then need to split packages off into their own separate accounts

You can see a video of it in action here




What Shows Up in the Search Engines For Your Site? – Oct ’07 Newsletter

I’ve had to forgo an article for this month, however put in a very important SEO tip regarding what shows up in the search engines when your website shows in the search results.

I see many sites that have not set this area up correctly. What’s the point in getting your website in the search engines, if when your link is presented along with all your competitors, you haven’t displayed the best text and put your best foot forward.

Your goal at this point is to get the attention of the searcher and make them click your link over someone elses. Check out this months newsletter to find out how to get what you want to say into the description that shows in the search engines and not what the search engines just happen to find in the first few words on your webpage.

October ’07 Newsletter


How To Be More Productive With Your Time Reading Emails – Sep ’07 Newsletter

I’ve written an article this month about how to be more productive with your time reading emails.

Plus my next SEO Tip is there. I’m also giving away a free month of hosting for current members only that take my survey. Link is in the newsletter.

https://netrospect.com.au/news/WSC-200709.pdf (Sep ’07 Newsletter)

PS Good feedback from Dianne Simpson (faktree.com) whom specialises in Guest Amenities (you know those little bottles of shampoo that you get from hotels) [ see if you can spot one of my next tips in this sentence 🙂 ]

Dianne took action on my SEO tip from last month about putting your keywords in the first and last sentence of your page copy, she is now #2 ranked in Google. What does that translate into, well more traffic for starters, and with more traffic the next step to turn your attention to is conversion.

Now that is a fantastic result and should urge you all on to take action to build your sites ranking. A little bit each month and it will work.


How to Buy or Renew a SSL Certificate for Your Website

So you’ve decided to get a secure certificate (SSL) for your website, for whatever reason, and you haven’t got a clue what to do next.

Well you have to jump through a few more hoops than normal to make it happen, check out my step by step process below and it’ll be smooth and painless.

I exclusively use and recommend Rapid SSL certificates for my web hosting members. And you won’t find a better service or more competitive prices in Australia for buying your SSL certificates than Trustico (aff)

So in order to make it easy for you to purchase and renew your certificates and keep your web host out of the loop as much as possible, follow this step by step guide.

Treat a renewal of your certificate as if you are buying a new one, it’s much safer that way. So with that in mind let’s go.

Step 1a. Contact your web hosting provider and ask them to create a Certificate Signing Request (don’t worry they will know what you’re talking about – and if they don’t I’d leave them and find another hosting provider pronto!) Provide your hosting provider this information

  • Host to make cert for (eg websmartcentral.com)
  • Country (2 letter Abbrivation) (eg AU)
  • State (eg QLD)
  • City (eg Tarragindi)
  • Company Name (eg Web Smart Central Pty Ltd)
  • Company Division (eg HQ)
  • Email (eg aarond AT websmartcentral.com)
  • Password

Word of caution here: some web hosting providers have an SSL icon in your control panel. DO NOT use that to generate your CSR. Why, because you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes and your web host may not be able to use what you’ve generated. Just give them your details and let them do this part.

Step 1b. Your hosting provider will enter that information into the web server where you account resides and it will generate the certificate signing request and you will be emailed the results. This garble of characters you can see in Image #1 contains your information you provided in Step 1a. The certificate company will use this information to generate a certificate that is yours and yours alone, that one else can replicate. It can only exist on the web server that it’s generated from. You must wait for this information before going onto Step 2.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 1

Step 2. Head on over to Trustico (aff) to start the purchase (NB : their website may change between writing this article, but it will still guide you through the process). You need to choose your certificate type.

I recommend the Rapid SSL certificate, since it’s your base level model that will get you by in 90% of situations, you may require something bigger. Have a read around the Trustico website they explain a lot about the differences in certificates, and it’s outside the scope of this guide.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 2

Step 3. Select if you are ordering a new product or renewing a product.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 3

Step 4. Choose your plan length I recommend 12 months but you can choose a longer plan if you get insurance with it (which allows you to regenerate the certificate again should you move hosting providers) Choose your server type (in my hosting environment I use cPanel exclusively) Make sure you select insurance, it’s so cheap it’s worth getting it since it covers you as I’ve just mentioned should you change your host.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 4

Step 5. Enter in all your details. Even if you are renewing treat it as a new purchase.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 5

Step 6. Time to enter your CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Simply copy and paste the whole CSR section that was emailed to you. It will look like what’s in the image below, don’t forget to include the —-BEGIN and —–END text it’s important.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 6

Step 7. Now you have to verify your details are correct.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 7

Step 8. This step proves that you are who you say you are and that allows you to approve the certificate to be processed and generated for you. You MUST have a valid email address from any of the addresses that are listed in the image below. The automated system will look to the email that you in your domain name and offer that first, plus some others. If you don’t have any of these that are valid, then you MUST make one of the Generic Domain Emails valid, by setting up an email forwarder in your web hosting control panel (see the tutorial here for how to do that)

Buy or Renew SSL Step 8

Step 9. Fill out your administrative contact details, which should be already filled in for you.

Buy Or Renew SSL Step 9

Step 10. Agree to the subscriber agreement

Buy or Renew Step 10

Step 11. Review your order is correct for billing

Buy or Renew SSL Step 11

Step 12. Choose how you are going to pay

Buy or Renew SSL Step 12

Step 13. Onve you’ve paid you will then receive an approval email which will need to be responded to.

Step 14. Then your certificate will be issued to you via email.

Step 15. Send that information in to your web hosting provider that created the orginal CSR in the first place, and they will install the certificate onto the server and assign it to your hosting account.

Step 16. Job done! You can test the certificate has been installed correctly by browsing to the https:// equivalent of your main domain (eg. https://websmartcentral.com/ ) You will then see a lock somewhere along the bottom of your browser window, which when you click on it then you be presented with your secure certificate.

Buy or Renew SSL Step 16a

Buy or Renew SSL Step 16b

That’s it, if you follow this step by step guide you will be successful in buying or renewing your SSL certificate.


Is Your Domain About To Be Snatched Away – August ’07 Newsletter

This month I just have to alert you to a growing trend that I have been witness to. If you don’t look after your domains, you may just end up having them stolen away from you.

Read the August newsletter to find out more, plus I’ve got an SEO tip of the month now. Just enough info to get you moving and implement before the next month.

Once again paid up members of my hosting get this newsletter directly sent to their door every month. If you would like a copy sent to you then signup for some hosting and I’ll add you to the mailing list. 😉

Click here to get the August PDF newsletter.

