Whole website overhaul

It’s come time to overhaul the complete website. It’s very agricultural at present, and did the job, but I strongly think it’s costing us potential customers. I’ll take a snapshot of it for prosterity and post the link to it from the blog once complete.

The new website is a new structure and I’ll talk about it in a separate post. It’s going to be great.

The blog will be incorporated into the site template as well, so this current theme is only temporary.

Another thing. I have much dislike for Internet Explorer for not keeping true to the web standards. It really makes developing a nightmare, and I’ll be placing a link to Firefox on the blog permanently in support of their excellent browser offering.


Welcome to the Web Smart Central blog

Hi all

It’s been a long time coming but I’ve finally found some time to get a blog together.

This blog’s purpose is to allow me (Aaron Dwyer) founder / director of Web Smart Central a place to talk about the topics that revolve around our company’s daily business.

More importantly as well, you can comment on the posts or just learn from what we discuss here.

I’ll warn you upfront, it will be no holds barred blog, as I call it as I see it.

