How To Reduce Your SPAM – November ’06 Newsletter

Aaron Dwyer here, I just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you about the new format newsletter that is ready to download. This is a new format of newsletter, it’s a PDF. You can get a FREE PDF reader from FoxItSoftware


It will be a monthly newsletter that will have lots of information first and then section on Web Smart Central housekeeping at the end.

This newsletter is all about how to reduce your SPAM. We all want to be able to do that right?

You will learn about the different types of SPAM, and what you can do to reduce your SPAM on both your server hosting account and locally on your PC with your email client.

They are very simple to do, and everyone should spend the few minutes to implement the changes on their hosting account and in your email program. Invest the time to fight your SPAM problem and you will save so much time that you would have normally spent dealing with the daily SPAM.

PS. I’ll add a newsletter signup box to the front page of the website to generate more subscribers for the newsletter including those that aren’y hosting or design customers.

PPS. Here is the link again for the newsletter.



Produce More Online Sales Profit Using New Software Tool

After 3 months of developement I have released some awesome software that is targeted directly to internet marketers.

If you do direct online sales copy then you’ll want to check this software out.

I’ve set it up with a complete free 7 day trial so you can really use it anger and make sure it’s right for you before investing in it.

I say investing because it’s goal to produce profit pulling web scripts to spice up your online sales copy.

If you’re in the internet marketing game, check it out, you won’t regret it.



Protect Your Valuable Email With a Backup Mail Server

It’s been a long time coming but we finally have a backup mail server in place to handle all email should a server be down at any time.

This means that should a server be down all emails that normally would have bounced back to the senders server for a retry at a later date, will now be routed to a backup mail server, where they will sit until the primary mail server comes back online. At which point the emails will then be routed back to be delivered.

This results in no loss of emails at our end what-so-ever. Very nice indeed.
In the end as all things seem once you’ve done the hard work, it was a fairly simple task, and I can honestly say every host should have this form of redundancy in place, and be proud to show it off.
I’ll be writing an article about it so that others may benefit from my hours of research looking for the best methods to automate this procedure.

Doing it for one account is fine, doing it across multiple servers is a full time job. That’s why automated software scripts are a thing of beauty.


Who Else Would Like A Holiday With Your Web Hosting

It’s a birthday celebration for Web Smart Central’s 1st business birthday.

I wanted to go all out and give a worthwhile gift away. So 17 holiday packages are up for grabs.

You get to choose where you wish to stay at over 250 premium location around Australia.

You get 7 vouchers for 2 nights each for 2 people, and you only have to buy breakfast and dinner at the hotel you choose to stay. Since you have to eat anyway, I figured this was a wonderful idea.

If you don’t want to eat at the hotel, some hotels offer a buy one night get the second night free using the vouchers.

To be eligible you have to invest in our Platinum Shared Hosting Plan, or any of our Reseller Plans.


You Can Make Money By Hosting, By Reselling

At last after months of deliberating over whether to have reseller accounts or not, I’ve decided to include them into the Web Smart Central offering.

For those that don’t know, a Reseller has the ability to divide up their allocated space and bandwidth, and has a master control panel for their account. From there they can house other peoples websites completely separately (with their own control panel), effectively becoming a mini hosting provider. They can offer their clients the hosting space at whatever cost they desire. Being a reseller is fantastic for web designers, accountants, solicitors, and internet marketers.

If you chose your provider carefully then they deal with all the hard work, and you just get to make some profit. Some even deal with the support issues from your clients. This is still an area that I haven’t decided on what I’ll be doing. Let’s just say that I’ll find out the support ramifications as I go.

This is exactly where Web Smart Central started over a year ago, with a USA Reseller account. That was quickly outgrown, as we surpassed the hosting provider that was providing the reseller account. Plus there were clear signs that they were overloading their server so I moved away from them. Just in time as 2 months later they were no more.

If you haven’t read my report about overselling and the dangers of it, then I suggest you take a look.

The only force that drives hosters to overload the servers is monetary greed. But it’s just not worth it, it’s a business killer.
