Can Your Visitors Contact You – July ’07 Newsletter

Well after a bit of a hiatus of newsletters, I’m back and back with a vengence now. As you will come to see. My newsletter is my main form of marketing now, and it’s full steam ahead.

This month I cover getting contacted by your visitors, which is extremely important, and where I see so many people fall down, even the big players.

Also this month is the first month where for my current hosting customers and a few select still in the pipeline to be customers will get my newsletters sent to them directly to their door in the mail.

How many hosting providers do that. Just one my friend. This one.

For the rest of you, you can just download the PDF to see what I have to say.

Here is the link


How To Use Blogs To Great Advantage In Your Business – January ’07 Newsletter

Here’s a brand new look and full of great content newsletter for January.

Print it out if you need to, to make for easier reading.

Here is the link to the newsletter.

Inside this newsletter you will learn about how effective Blogs can be to your business. I could write many newsletters on this topic, but this is an introduction to blogging and a prompt and push to get you going.

Of course as always I give it to you straight.

This newsletter I’ve also used some content from Yaro Starak over at

As always feedback is greatly appreciated, give me your thoughts or experiences on blogs, just leave me a comment.


How To Increase Profits By Reading Your Web Logs – December ‘06 Newsletter

Here is the December newsletter better late than never eh. (There is an extra exhibit part to this newletter)

In this newsletter I go through reading and understanding your website logs. You would be crazy not to familiarise yourself with this part of your internet business.

So much information is on offer inside your web logs which will guide you if you know how to read and intrepret them, to refine your website to suit your viewers needs and in turn product more profit for yourself.

Trust me it’s not that hard once you know the fundamentals, which this newsletter will give you.

Check it out and post a comment here on the blog if you got something out of it.


Run IE6 with IE7 Simultaneously

Well I’ve just upgraded to IE7 on my new development laptop and it’s very refreshingly different. Microsoft apparently took one and a half years to develope it and it shows in it’s maturity as a browser.The down side is that there is still a shovel load full of web users that still have IE6 and IE5, so what to do if you make a website and want to see if it works in the major browsers, not just the browser that you happen to have installed on your development system.

You can run side by side installations of Firefox and Opera, but IE has always dragged the chain on this, due to IE being so heavily integrated into the operating system.

When I upgraded to IE7 I definately at least wanted to be able to have IE6 on the same machine. Well the dodgey hacks and workarounds that you will find if you do a web search on the topic, just didn’t work for me. Mostly they didn’t address that once you upgrade to IE7 the underlying DLLs that drive the browser are not backward compatible. So a cutdown version of IE6 just isn’t good enough for a true result.

Microsoft have finally acknowledged this and now have released a special IE6 virtual machine image to handle just this. Seems like massive overkill, but it works so I can’t complain.

Check out the Microsoft MSDN blog about IE6 and IE7 running together, and go and sort out your IE6 and IE7 on the same machine problem once and for all.

Of course the other alternative is if you have multiple PCs lying around you can have a separate machine setup with each IE. Which I have also done.


82% of Small Businesses to Have Internet Access by 2011

82% of small businesses will have Internet access by 2011, of which 88% will have broadband connections, according to a JupiterResearch Report “Market Profile: Understanding Online Small Businesses”.78% of small businesses currently use the Internet on a regular basis, according to JupiterResearch.

Sonal Gandhi, JupiterResearch Analyst, said: “Small businesses spent over $43 billion in 2005 in business purchases online, their online influenced off-line spending is likely to be considerably higher”. [source]

David Schatsky, President, JupiterKagan, said: “The growth of the overall online small business market and decision makers’ increased comfort with doing business online will impact their total online spending,

Companies that target small businesses should take advantage of the size and openness of this market online”. [source]

Now isn’t that an interesting statistic. I should think that those businesses are online already and getting setup to trade online or increase their marketing through online efforts will be ahead of their offline only competitors.
