Happy Holidays From Us at Netrospect 2009

Thank you for all the continued support from our wonderful clients through 2009. With lots of referrals accounting for 80% of our new business, it’s always a joy to welcome a new client that has been referred from current members.

We have a nice little community of businesses across Australia that will continue to grow in 2010, with lots a new helpful services planned to be rolled out starting in January.

Best wishes for your holiday season, and take care.

Talk soon

Aaron and the rest of the Netrospect team.

PS Thank you to my children for helping me record such a wonderful song to use in the video above.

PPS Leave a comment here and let me know what you think of the video. It’s really easy to make one like this using animoto.com (another free tip from me to you to grow your business)

How to Get Top Google Local Search Results – Part 2

Hi folks

As promised in my previous video that if you showed some interest by commenting on the last blog post I’d take the time to create the step by step how to video in getting to the top of the Google Local Search results.

Here’s the video, check it out, and take my advise and don’t just watch it. Actually implement it.

When you signup for a Google account, they will send you an email that you need to verify by clicking a link to prove you are the owner of that email address. Make sure to verifiy your Google account before you start to setup your local business details.

I’ll be posting more tips like this, so leave me a comment with what you thought of this video

More importantly leave me a comment and tell me what you want to learn about and I’ll make more videos specifically on those topics you ask for.

Talk soon


How to Get Top Google Local Search Results – Part 1

See the video below for the fastest way to get to the top of the search engine results that I know. Using Google Local Search and being listed in Google Maps.

It’s been ages since I’ve contacted my members. Sorry about that. My monthly printed newsletters have gone out the window. All ten of my fingers are in ten different pies at the moment. The newer members to Netrospect can check out all previous newsletters here on the website.

Never mind, I plan to make it up to you. Lots of new things coming up. First up, I plan on using this blog more than I have been, so let’s start with a tip that I should be charging people for.

Every single business owner should be doing this. Point blank, I don’t care what business you are in.

People are searching for local answers to their problems and they want to find someone local, so you best get in front of them and be the answer they are looking for.

Check out the video to see why.

As I mention in the video, if you want me to show you step by step how to get a free local listing setup and optimised for your business then add a comment to this post and let me know.

If I get just 7 comments on this then I’ll publish the full how to video.
