Aaron Dwyer here, I just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you about the new format newsletter that is ready to download. This is a new format of newsletter, it’s a PDF. You can get a FREE PDF reader from FoxItSoftware


It will be a monthly newsletter that will have lots of information first and then section on Web Smart Central housekeeping at the end.

This newsletter is all about how to reduce your SPAM. We all want to be able to do that right?

You will learn about the different types of SPAM, and what you can do to reduce your SPAM on both your server hosting account and locally on your PC with your email client.

They are very simple to do, and everyone should spend the few minutes to implement the changes on their hosting account and in your email program. Invest the time to fight your SPAM problem and you will save so much time that you would have normally spent dealing with the daily SPAM.

PS. I’ll add a newsletter signup box to the front page of the website to generate more subscribers for the newsletter including those that aren’y hosting or design customers.

PPS. Here is the link again for the newsletter.

